Rob Stone is...

A Product



Based in Seattle

Open to work. Let's connect

How I can help

Product Strategy

Proven experience launching products, including first-of-their-kind innovations in robotics and Web3. I build roadmaps and chart the customer journey to unify your team around a shared vision.

Delivery Excellence

Wearing many hats means delivering in different ways. I can learn your market, prototype business solutions, and finalize development-ready output with vector animations to level up your product.

Design Leadership

Trusted to grow teams, build design systems, and raise the overall design maturity of your organizations. Mentorship for Flatiron Schools and Hexagon UX are a personal highlight.

Select work

Project Junction

Adapting a bespoke product to match the evolution of the business and the challenges of their underlying systems.

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Launching a new blockchain security start up by building out their branding and leading design for the launch of the first dedicated bug bounty platform for Ethereum smart contracts.


The world’s first social robot in the home. Leveraging conversational UI and computer vision for a personalized experience. Has a COPPA-compliant mobile app to allow the whole family to play.

Motion Design

A gallery of my favorite motion design pieces. Some UI animations and micro-interactions across my career and projects from my past life as an editor and motion graphics designer.

Destiny 2

Exploring Improvements to Engagement and Retention through social improvements and weapon customization